Ultimi immobili inseriti.
Locali commerciali
Annnunziata: in vendita due locali commerciali adiacenti, di 21 e…
Appartamento sul corso
Corso Umberto: in contesto signorile, in vendita ampio appartamento, posto…
Soluzione semindipendente con giardino
Sant’Anna: in vendita soluzione semindipendente avente ingresso autonomo, disposta su…
Appartamento ristrutturato
Pregiato: in vendita appartamento posto al secondo piano (non servito…
Appartamento centrale
Ad. viale Marconi: in contesto signorile, in vendita in minicondominio,…
Appartamento ristrutturato con terrazzo
Via XXV Luglio: in minicondominio, in vendita al piano primo,…
offerte in evidenza
8In Vetrina
Soluzione con terreno circostante
Passiano: in vendita soluzione libera su tre lati di ca. 250 mq , disposta su 3 livelli, con cantina e…
Superficie250 mq
Nuovi immobili in locazione
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Best theme for Real Estate Agency fast installation and translation can be done with po-edit software. Cool & comfortable design, Thanks for this amazing theme Recommended for all real estate agency.
News & Curiosità
I nostri servizi

Live Customizer
To help you configure and customize stuff around your website without going into code. You can customize the price format to any currency in the world. You can customize the URL slugs to your required ones.

Design Variations
Real Homes theme includes two major design variations. You can use the classic or modern look based on your choice.

Advance Search
Real Homes includes advanced properties search feature that is powerful and fully customizable to fulfill various needs. You can select which fields you want to display and what data will be displayed in those fields.

Google & OpenStreet Maps
Real Homes includes Google Maps API integration that enables you to display Google map with properties markers on search results page, properties display pages, property detail page, home page and taxonomy archive pages.

Member Support
You can provide user registration, login and forgot password features on your site to let users access member only features. Social login feature allow you to integrate any social network with your website for user login and registration.

Front End Property Submit
Real Homes provides front end property submit template and related configurations. So you can restrict certain level of users from accessing administrator dashboard and provide them an interface on front end to submit properties.
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